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Ni diffusion in ceria lattice: A combined experimental and theoretical study
Year of publication 2021
Title of paper Ni diffusion in ceria lattice: A combined experimental and theoretical study
Author 임대광, 곽노우, 김지수, 김현승, 김병국, 김영철, 정우철
Publication in journal Acta Materialia
Status of publication published
Vol 219
date 18 August 2021
pubilsher Elsevier
Link 관련링크 522회 연결


12 Theoretical Analysis of Reversible Phase Evolution in Li-Ion Conductive Halides
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11 Influence of sintering activators on electrical property of BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-x proton-conducting electrolyte
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10 Vapor-Mediated Infiltration of Nanocatalysts for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Electrosprayed Dendrites
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Nano letters, 21(24), 10186-10192, 2021.12, published

9 Roles of Polymerized Anionic Clusters Stimulating for Hydrolysis Deterioration in Li7P3S11
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 2021.08.25, ACS Publications, published

8 Low-temperature processing technique of Ruddlesden-Popper cathode for high-performance solid oxide fuel cells
신지수, 양성은, 지호일, 박상백, 김형철, 손지원, 이종호, 김병국, 홍종섭, 윤경중
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 868, 2021.07.05, published

7 Quantitative determination of lithium depletion during rapid cycling in sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries
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Chemical Communications, 57, 2021.03.09, published

6 A nanoarchitectured cermet composite with extremely low Ni content for stable high-performance solid oxide fuel cells
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Acta Materialia, 206, 2021.03, published

5 PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+x composite cathode in protonic ceramic fuel cells
임승혁, 이종호, 지호일
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 58, 2021.02.15, published

4 Highly active, selective, and stable Pd single-atom catalyst anchored on N-doped hollow carbon sphere for electrochemical H2O2 synthesis under acidic conditions
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Journal of Catalysis, 393, 2021.01.01, published

3 Achieving Performance and Longevity with Butane-operated Low-temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Low-Cost Cu and CeO2 Catalysts
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Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021. 10. 26, in press

2 Naturally diffused sintering aid for highly conductive bilayer electrolytes in solid oxide cells
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Science Advances, 7, 2021. 10. 01, published

열람중 Ni diffusion in ceria lattice: A combined experimental and theoretical study
임대광, 곽노우, 김지수, 김현승, 김병국, 김영철, 정우철
Acta Materialia, 219, 18 August 2021, Elsevier, published


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